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Crystals for Stress and Anxiety

If stress and anxiety have you feeling overwhelmed then these healing crystals are just the thing you need to restore balance. The powerful energies of crystals are known to attract feel-good vibes and dispel negativity. Here are a few of our favourites to get you feeling in control of life again. 


amethyst - crystals for stress and anxiety

Popular for its calming vibes, Amethyst soothes irritability and anger. This purple gemstone is one of the most widely used to help improve clarity during periods of stress. It accomplishes this in part by easing fears and balancing mood swings. Additionally, it is highly recommended for easing anxiety-related insomnia. Simply place a piece in the bedroom or under your pillow to start sleeping more soundly. 


Associated with the earth’s natural frequencies, Hematite encourages balance and relaxation. Intensely grounding, this healing crystal keeps you centred even during times of chaos. Say goodbye to stress and anxiety as Hematite blocks and absorbs all the bad energy coming your way. 


amazonite - crystals for stress and anxiety

Known as the Stone of Hope, Amazonite is great to use when you need to be inspired and uplifted. This is especially helpful when stress and anxiety are getting the better of you. In particular, Amazonite realigns your emotional state and supports you in letting go of self-deprecating thoughts. Further, removing feelings of stress in the workplace is made easy by wearing Amazonite jewelry. 


Filled with divine feminine energy, Moonstone is said to help balance female hormones. As such, meditating with Moonstone has the ability to put you in touch with your feminine side. Consequently, you will feel a deeper connection to your authentic self and be better able to work through any stress and anxiety that is weighing you down. Moreover, Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings allowing you to put aside the past and move forward unburdened. 

Black Tourmaline

Highly protective, Black Tourmaline enhances feelings of inner peace and balance. If your heightened anxiety levels are causing you to feel out of touch with the present, Black Tourmaline offers up grounding energy to bring you back down to earth. This stone also reduces negative thought patterns brought on by stress allowing you to focus on the positive.

While we believe in the metaphysical properties of gemstones, please remember that gemstone use should complement, not replace, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by qualified healthcare professionals. You should prioritize your health and well-being as your primary focus. Consider gemstones as a complementary aspect of your overall care.

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