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Crystals for Optimism and Hope

Ever wake up in a great mood, get ready quicker than ever, and leave the door early with a coffee in hand thinking it’s going to be a perfect day? Then BAM you trip over your own feet, fall face down in a puddle, and narrowly miss getting hit by traffic? So maybe we haven’t all experienced this exact scenario, but most of us can relate to feeling highly optimistic one moment then getting figuratively sucker-punched and losing hope of anything good happening that day. No matter the day you’re having, these five crystals for optimism and hope got your back!


citrine -crystals for optimism and hope

Uplifting and comforting, Citrine is the go-to stone for increasing optimism. Filled with warm energy likened to a sunny day, this orange and yellow stone spreads cheer and joy. You will be able to see the bright side of any situation with Citrine in hand. Brimming with tranquillity, this crystal restores balance while stimulating creativity. 

Yellow Jasper

Enhancing clarity and focus, Yellow Jasper allows you to see what is important. Cast aside nagging doubts and concentrate on the good with this healing crystal. In addition, Yellow Jasper encourages enlightenment and sheds light on the meaning of your life. 


Not only does Ametrine amplify feelings of optimism, but it also allows you to ignore otherwise stressful distractions. If you are easily influenced by other people’s opinions, especially toxic naysayers, then Ametrine helps build a stronger sense of self. Consequently, you will be less swayed by gossip and other negativity.


Without a doubt, the Stone of Hope, Amazonite, inspires an optimistic attitude. It grants an empowering mindset and encourages you to look ahead to the positive outcomes of your actions. Equally important, Amazonite cultivates self-love which is an important component of keeping up a positive outlook.


turquoise - crystals for optimism and hope

The Master Healer, Turquoise, connects the healing energy of life on earth to that of the divine. As such, it is highly protective and draws good luck towards its bearer. Turquoise is regarded as a stone of friendship because its benefits increase exponentially when given as a gift. If you know someone in your life who is feeling down, Turquoise might be just the thing they need!

While we believe in the metaphysical properties of gemstones, please remember that gemstone use should complement, not replace, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by qualified healthcare professionals. You should prioritize your health and well-being as your primary focus. Consider gemstones as a complementary aspect of your overall care.

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