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11 Crystals for Journaling

Journaling is an excellent tool for self-reflection. It simply involves writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them better. This is especially helpful for anyone struggling with mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. In addition, writing down daily events preserves memories of days past and provides a reminder of the happenings of your life. If you are working through a particular issue or require greater focus for putting words on the page, crystals for journaling can guide you in the right direction. 


Sodalite, The Writer's Stone, crystals for journaling

What better stone to aid your writing journey than Sodalite, often known as The Writer’s Stone? This blue and white crystal makes mental blocks fade away so you can express your thoughts with ease. Sodalite nurtures new ideas and gives insights into the world around you. 

Clear Quartz

As an energy amplifier, Clear Quartz is ideal when you are already in the writing zone. Your words will flow smoothly and productively with this powerful healing crystal. 


amethyst - crystals for journaling

An intensely spiritual stone, Amethyst is known best for its calming properties. It quiets and focuses the mind while providing clarity on the meaning of life. 

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of wisdom and communication. It promotes telling the truth, both in speaking and writing. Highly attuned to intellectual pursuits, Lapis Lazuli aids problem-solving and helps overcome writer’s block. 

Blue Kyanite

Vibrating at a high frequency, Blue Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation. Its positive vibes realign chakras and spur healing. Linked to both the Throat Chakra and Third Eye Chakra, Blue Kyanite opens your mind to the spiritual realm and allows you to express the experience. 


All Jaspers are connected to the earth’s energy which makes them powerful grounding crystals. This is useful if you are feeling overwhelmed by emotions and need balance, stability, and focus. 


aquamarine - crystals for journaling

Aquamarine is a cleansing stone that encourages you to let go of the past. Associated with the contradictory nature of the sea, both tranquil and exciting, Aquamarine inspires both reflective and creative writing. 

Blue Lace Agate

Similar to many blue stones, Blue Lace Agate is connected to the Throat Chakra. As such, it stimulates your true voice and allows you to express yourself more genuinely. 

Rose Quartz

rose quartz for self-love. crystals for journaling.

One goal of journaling is to heal the heart and reach a place of self-acceptance. Rose Quartz is the Stone of Unconditional Love and teaches you to love yourself no matter what you have gone through. 


try journaling with citrine a stone of prosperity

Typically associated with success, Citrine attracts abundant positive energy. It increases confidence and motivates you to continue journaling even when emotions run high. 


carneian - crystals for journaling

Dynamic Carnelian is one of the best crystals for journaling because it is bursting with passion, vitality, and creativity. It enhances confidence and pushes away doubts. Consequently, you can trust your inner voice and write with self-assurance. 

While we believe in the metaphysical properties of gemstones, please remember that gemstone use should complement, not replace, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by qualified healthcare professionals. You should prioritize your health and well-being as your primary focus. Consider gemstones as a complementary aspect of your overall care.

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