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Crystals for Sweet Dreams

Taking a trip into dreamland can be equal parts relaxing, enlightening, and mysterious. Some dreams are comforting and leave you feeling well-rested. Others can be real head-scratchers and make you wonder what the heck is going on inside your mind. On occasion, you might experience a nightmare that makes you wake in a panic. At any rate, here are a few crystals for sweet dreams that can help you get your best night’s sleep.


moonstone - crystals for sweet dreams

The Lunar Crystal, Moonstone, is tied to the powerful energy of its celestial namesake. Due to its connection with the crown chakra, Moonstone opens a channel between yourself and the divine wisdom of the universe. Moonstone is associated with new beginnings, for this reason, it allows you to have a fresh start simply by getting some shut-eye. A mighty psychic protector, Moonstone dispels stress and encourages inner peace for a good night’s rest. Likewise, its protective abilities keep you safe during travel, including during a dream state – such as lucid dreaming or astral projection. 


amethyt - crystals for sweet dreams

A type of violet quartz, Amethyst is best known for its calming energy. If stress is standing in your way of peaceful dreams then look no further than Amethyst to promote relaxation. With its healing energy, this crystal evokes tranquillity and prepares your mind and body for an adventure into the realm of dreams. Its association with the third eye chakra enhances balance and alignment of your energy field. Additionally, an open third eye chakra brings the flow of divine wisdom your way and heightens intuition.


howlite - crystals for sweet dreams

Howlite is an ideal stone for combating insomnia because it reduces stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. Known as the Stone of Inspiration, this crystal stimulates a link to creative unconsciousness. Consequently, look out for the exploration of deep thoughts, prophecies, and nighttime revelations. Place this white stone with light grey lines under your pillow or bed and let it work its magic – nervous energy and restlessness will be a thing of the past!

While we believe in the metaphysical properties of gemstones, please remember that gemstone use should complement, not replace, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by qualified healthcare professionals. You should prioritize your health and well-being as your primary focus. Consider gemstones as a complementary aspect of your overall care.

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